FAPI PET for Lung Fibrosis

Study Purpose

This is a prospective exploratory biodistribution study in patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD). The purpose of this research study is to determine where and to which degree the FAPI tracer (68Ga-FAPI-46) accumulates in normal and fibrotic lung tissues of patients with interstitial lung disease. The study will include patients with interstitial lung disease who have or will initiate a new ILD medication OR will undergo tissue biopsy or surgery of the lung. The study will include 30 patients, the upper limit for PET imaging studies conducted under the Radioactive Drug Research Committee (RDRC) purview. Participants will be injected with up to 7 mCi of 68-GaFAPi and will undergo one PET/CT scan and one High Resolution CT of the lungs. The study is sponsored by Ahmanson Translational Theranostic Division at UCLA.

Recruitment Criteria

Accepts Healthy Volunteers

Healthy volunteers are participants who do not have a disease or condition, or related conditions or symptoms

Study Type

An interventional clinical study is where participants are assigned to receive one or more interventions (or no intervention) so that researchers can evaluate the effects of the interventions on biomedical or health-related outcomes.

An observational clinical study is where participants identified as belonging to study groups are assessed for biomedical or health outcomes.

Searching Both is inclusive of interventional and observational studies.

Eligible Ages 18 Years and Over
Gender All
More Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria

Inclusion criteria.

  • - Patients with ILD confirmed by CT at time of staging.
  • - Patients who have initiated or will initiate a new ILD medication with 3 months of enrollment OR Patients who are scheduled to undergo tissue biopsy or surgery of the lung.
  • - Patients are ≥ 18 years old at the time of the radiotracer administration.
  • - Patient can provide written informed consent.
Exclusion criteria.
  • - Patient is pregnant or nursing.
  • - Patients with active infectious lung disease.
- Patients not expected to comply with the protocol requirements, not able to understand or follow trial procedures

Trial Details

Trial ID:

This trial id was obtained from ClinicalTrials.gov, a service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, providing information on publicly and privately supported clinical studies of human participants with locations in all 50 States and in 196 countries.


Phase 1: Studies that emphasize safety and how the drug is metabolized and excreted in humans.

Phase 2: Studies that gather preliminary data on effectiveness (whether the drug works in people who have a certain disease or condition) and additional safety data.

Phase 3: Studies that gather more information about safety and effectiveness by studying different populations and different dosages and by using the drug in combination with other drugs.

Phase 4: Studies occurring after FDA has approved a drug for marketing, efficacy, or optimal use.

Early Phase 1
Lead Sponsor

The sponsor is the organization or person who oversees the clinical study and is responsible for analyzing the study data.

University of California, Los Angeles
Principal Investigator

The person who is responsible for the scientific and technical direction of the entire clinical study.

Jeremie Calais, MD
Principal Investigator Affiliation Clinical Research Director, Ahmanson Translational Theranostics
Agency Class

Category of organization(s) involved as sponsor (and collaborator) supporting the trial.

Overall Status Recruiting
Countries United States

The disease, disorder, syndrome, illness, or injury that is being studied.

Interstitial Lung Disease, Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias, Drug-Induced Pneumonitis, Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis, Radiation Pneumonitis, Pneumoconiosis, Pulmonary Fibrosis
Additional Details

ILD is a group of respiratory diseases that affect the interstitium of the lungs. A major problem is the highly variable course of fibrosing ILD: some patients remain stable without treatment, and others progress rapidly despite pharmacotherapy. Novel diagnostic approaches for risk stratification with more accurate prediction of the course of fibrosing ILD could potentially improve prognostication and ultimately lead to better survival in these patients. Persistent activation and local accumulation of myofibroblasts is a common feature of fibrotic diseases. FAP is a promising target for molecular imaging of fibroblast activation and detection of sites of active tissue remodeling. Small molecule inhibitors of FAP have been labeled with positron-emitting isotopes for PET imaging. 68Ga-FAPi-46 can serve as diagnostic biomarker in ILD. In this study, the investigators will evaluate the 68Ga-FAPi-46 biodistribution in patients with ILD and observe the correlation of FAP expression and FAPi radiopharmaceutical uptake. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the biodistribution of the new FAP-targeted PET tracer, 68Ga-FAPi- 46, in patients with ILD. OUTLINE: 1. Participants with Interstitial Lung Disease will be asked to undergo a 68Ga-FAPi-46 PET/CT and one High Resolution CT of the lungs. 2. Patients will be followed until pathology is obtained during clinical care. (if undergoing surgery or biopsy) 3. Biodistribution results will be assessed comparing pathological findings and PET/CT results

Arms & Interventions


Experimental: 68Ga-FAPi-46

Patients receive 68Ga-FAPi-46 IV and undergo PET/CT scan over 20-50 minutes


Drug: - 68Ga-FAPi-46

Radiopharmaceutical will be administered via IV

Procedure: - Computed Tomography

As part of PET/CT scan

Procedure: - Positron Emission Tomography

As part of PET/CT scan

Procedure: - High Resolution Computed Tomography

Will be conducted immediately after FAPI PET/CT

Contact a Trial Team

If you are interested in learning more about this trial, find the trial site nearest to your location and contact the site coordinator via email or phone. We also strongly recommend that you consult with your healthcare provider about the trials that may interest you and refer to our terms of service below.

Los Angeles, California




UCLA / Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center

Los Angeles, California, 90095

The content provided on clinical trials is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical consultation with your healthcare provider. We do not recommend or endorse any specific study and you are advised to discuss the information shown with your healthcare provider. While we believe the information presented on this website to be accurate at the time of writing, we do not guarantee that its contents are correct, complete, or applicable to any particular individual situation. We strongly encourage individuals to seek out appropriate medical advice and treatment from their physicians. We cannot guarantee the availability of any clinical trial listed and will not be responsible if you are considered ineligible to participate in a given clinical trial. We are also not liable for any injury arising as a result of participation.